Register asset on a remote agent

This is to show how to register an asset on a remote agent.

The remote agent (Surfer) is a centralized server that allows the server url to be registered on the Ocean/Dex Network.

Any asset registered with a remote agent will not be written to the block chain, but the returned DID will contain the Remote Agent DID/asset_id. This can be resolved by using the Ocean/Dex Protocol network to obtain the asset.

We assume that you have already setup a test barge in ‘Getting Started’, with a running remote agent in Barge.

Creating a new DNetwork instance

First import the main starfish ocean library, and the logging library

>>> from starfish import DNetwork

Next create an instance and a basic connection to the ocean network, with some extra logging so you can see what is happening.

>>> network = DNetwork()
>>> network.connect('http://localhost:8545')

Create an Asset

We now want to create an asset to register with the remote agent, we can store it’s metadata and data all with agent.

First we need to create a data asset, using some test data.

>>> from starfish.asset import DataAsset
>>> asset = DataAsset.create('MyAsset', 'Here is some test text that I want to save in remote agent service')

Let see what’s in the DataAsset metadata

>>> print(asset.metadata)
{'name': 'MyAsset', 'type': 'dataset', 'contentType': 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'}

and what is in the DataAsset data property

>>> print(
Here is some test text that I want to save in remote agent service

Now see if the asset has a DID?

>>> print(asset.did)

Setup the Remote Agent

We now need an agent to register and manage our Asset. The agents task is to do the actual work of registration.

First we need to import the agent and setup it’s configuration for the local test Barge.

>>> from starfish.agent import RemoteAgent
>>> url = 'http://localhost:8080'
>>> options = {
        'url': url,
        'username': 'test',
        'password':  'foobar',

Since this is probably the first time we are using remote agent, we need to register all of the services that remote agent supports on the Network. In our case the Network is going to be the local Barge.

So first create a DDO record for the local remote agent service.

>>> ddo = RemoteAgent.generate_ddo(url)

Lets see what the DID of the remote agent service is going to be?

>>> print(ddo.did)

We can now create the remote agent using the options provided

>>> agent = RemoteAgent(network, did=ddo.did, ddo=ddo, options=options)

Register the Asset

First we need to create some listing data. This data is linked with the asset for public view and provide more information about the asset.

>>> listing_data = {'name': 'My data', 'author': 'Help writer', 'license': 'CC0: Public Domain'}

Now we can register the asset we have created earlier. This will return a :class:.Listing object. The listing object will contain all of the information for selling the asset, such as price, where to obtain the asset, any samples, and more information about the asset.

>>> listing = agent.register_asset(asset, listing_data)

We can find out what the listing id has been assigned to us by remote agent

>>> print(listing.listing_id)

Lets find out what the asset or listing DID

>>> print(listing.did)

You will notice that the listing DID returned contains two id’s. The first is the regisered DID on the block chain, the second id is the internall asset id registered on the remote agent.

To check that the asset id is the same we can print out the asset id

>>> print(listing.asset.asset_id)

Saving the Asset

With the remote agent we can now save the asset data. To do this we just need to call the upload method in the remote agent.

>>> agent.upload_asset(asset)

N.B. Rememeber you can only upload and download in asset with the remote agent if you have registered it before hand.

Full example to register and upload an Asset on Remote Agent

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from import ConvexNetwork
from starfish.asset import (
from starfish.agent.authentication import AuthenticationBasic
from starfish.agent import RemoteAgent

def main():

    # Create a new convex network instance.
    network = ConvexNetwork('')

    # Create a remote agent to do the work.
    agent_url = 'http://localhost:3030'

    authentication = AuthenticationBasic('Aladdin', 'OpenSesame')

    # find an agent based on it's url, you can also use an agent did or asset did instead
    agent = RemoteAgent.load(agent_url, network, authentication=authentication)
    if not agent:
        print('failed to find the agent')

    # create a listing specifying the information about the asset
    listing_data = {
        'name': 'The white paper',
        'author': 'Datacraft',
        'license': 'CC0: Public Domain',
        'price': '0'

    # Now create a memory asset
    asset = DataAsset.create('TestAsset', 'Some test data that I want to save for this asset')
    asset = create_asset_provenance_publish(asset, agent.did)

    # Print the asset data
    print('my asset:',

    asset = agent.register_asset(asset)
    listing = agent.create_listing(listing_data, asset.did)

    # now upload the asset data to Surfer

if __name__ == '__main__':